Financing methods

for implementation projects

Are you wondering how you can finance the implementation of IT software?

We propose financing of implementation projects in several different ways, and each of them has its own individual advantages. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the pros of each solution to choose the one that best suits the needs of your organization.

Available financing models:


What is business software rental?

Renting is a solution that means that maintaining the system on the server is our responsibility. Your cost is only a fixed amount specified in the contract, and all other issues are on the side of the software provider.

Why is it worth it?

  • No maintenance costs — maintaining your system on the provider's secure servers.
  • Help and support — access to technical support and how-to knowledge, as well as free standard support from the supplier.
  • Updates — constant free access to software updates containing new functionalities and improvements.
  • Fast implementation — SaaS model ensures quick implementation.
  • Safety — it is the provider who deals with the security of the system and your data.

What is business software purchase?

In this model you get the system license and then store it on your servers. The purchase of IT software is associated with its independent maintenance and operation.

Why is it worth it?

  • Individual license — you get a lifetime system license.
  • Updates — you have annual access to many updates containing new functionalities and improvements.
  • Full control over the data — you decide yourself how you protect your data.

What is business software leasing?

IT leasing applies only to one-time purchase of the software. Under the lease agreement, it is possible to finance the purchase of the system and the implementation service. You commit to incur monthly leasing installments over a set period.This financing method allows you to spread the costs of an implementation project over a 5-year period.

Why is it worth it?

  • It allows for the financing of the entire project — purchase of both the license and implementation services.
  • Minimal formalities — the number of required documents has been reduced to a minimum.
  • We cooperate with an expert in the field of IT leasing - Grenke Leasing - individual service and substantive support at every stage.
  • Cost reduction — leasing installments are fully included in tax deductible costs, which reduces the tax base.
  • Protection of the company's capital — IT leasing does not burden the company's financial balance sheet and thus does not worsen its current condition.

Do you want to talk about your project?

Reach out to us. We’d be happy to discuss opportunities for your company's growth.

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